Fearful Odds
Coming Soon!
Fearful Odds: Epic Fantasy Battles is a wargame that combines grand strategy with tactical level combat. In the first release of the Fearful Odds system, players vie for control and domination in the World of Sopron. Lead the Charorum dwarf army fighting a desperate defense against invading hordes of hobgoblins and trolls from Kakadim, build alliances between Sopron and the elves of Rhonar, and maneuver monsters like gargoyles, wights, and drakes in fast-paced tactical level combat.
The game includes hundreds of full-color counters for a range of military units, a full-color strategic-level map of the World of Sopron, and eight full-color tactical-level maps suitable for playing scores of wargame scenarios. Counters represent units like Heavy Infantry, Light Peltasts, Horse Archers, Hobgoblin Infantry, Dwarfish Heavy Infantry, Dwarfish Militia, Barbarians, as well as Kings, Princes, Heroes, and Sorcerers. Counters also represent Monsters like Dragons (including the Greater Drake Typhonas), Gargoyles, Trolls, and Wights.
Fearful Odds: Epic Fantasy Battles is a wargame that combines grand strategy with tactical level combat. In the first release of the Fearful Odds system, players vie for control and domination in the World of Sopron. Lead the Charorum dwarf army fighting a desperate defense against invading hordes of hobgoblins and trolls from Kakadim, build alliances between Sopron and the elves of Rhonar, and maneuver monsters like gargoyles, wights, and drakes in fast-paced tactical level combat.
The game includes hundreds of full-color counters for a range of military units, a full-color strategic-level map of the World of Sopron, and eight full-color tactical-level maps suitable for playing scores of wargame scenarios. Counters represent units like Heavy Infantry, Light Peltasts, Horse Archers, Hobgoblin Infantry, Dwarfish Heavy Infantry, Dwarfish Militia, Barbarians, as well as Kings, Princes, Heroes, and Sorcerers. Counters also represent Monsters like Dragons (including the Greater Drake Typhonas), Gargoyles, Trolls, and Wights.
Fearful Odds is fully synchronized with Havoc! The Combat Card Game, so Players wishing a more in-depth wargame experience can resolve key fights using Havoc!’s fast-paced, intuitive cards-and-dice combat system.